3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:3, KJV).
There is a reason for every season, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. While we may prefer certain seasons over others, they nevertheless show up like clockwork whether we want them to or not. The nice thing is that each turn in season affords use with a chance at a fresh, new start.
People, particularly relationships with family members, friends, and/or significant others, can dissolve just as quickly as they formed, just like the seasons. In other words, some people exist in our lives for certain seasons while others are meant to stick around and weather many with us.
We can mourn the loss of relationships that are fleeting in nature. It is in hindsight, though, that we come to recognize the negative influences certain people maintain in our lives. Thus, the sooner they leave, the better.
Still, each person enters (and potentially leaves) our lives, having served a particular purpose. Specific individuals can literally function as a beacon of hope, alerting us to what has been taken for granted. Then again, the Evil One takes many forms in order to tempt us and distract us to the point that we lose focus on Jesus Christ as the center of our own hearts. The impact and destructive nature of these people in our lives is as forceful as turbulent waves crashing upon a serene shore.
Even though some people are not meant to be permanent fixtures in our lives, we can still feel hurt by their absence. It means we cared enough about a person and the respective relationship to value it. In other words, we invested our time and efforts into a given relationship, allowing another to matter in our lives.
Yet, we should exercise a degree of selfishness in terms of the relationships we enter. This protection of one’s self-interest is designed to ward off negative people and influences from infecting us. If a given relationship does not encourage you to improve and be the best version of yourself possible…do you. Be selfish and protect yourself by ending the relationship before it digs its sharp claws into you.
Still, one relationship that we should never let go of is the one we each share with Jesus Christ. We should continue to invest in and maximize this relationship through good deeds, prayer, and regular attendance at church with the intention of spiritual renewal.
Most importantly, never take suck a relationship for granted or let it come to a fateful end! Be selfish and devote your energy and resources to preserving and improving this connection with Jesus Christ.
Originally posted on May 12, 2020 @ 7:00 AM