Hidden In God

Hidden In God’s main purpose is to deliver the word of God through life experiences with Him, to encourage, uplift, give hope to, teach and bless God’s people.

I have enjoyed sharing my knowledge of God with you and pray that He allows me to continue to do so for a long time. However, I also realize that it is important to have others with life giving stories and testimonies to share their knowledge and experiences with you as well.

In order to achieve this, we at Hidden In God invite others to help contribute to the message of the Father and provide our valued readers with quality devotion, articles and interesting insight into the things of God.

Contribute to the Community

We are on the lookout for contributing writers. We believe that everyone saved by grace has something unique  to share and if you are interested in contributing to the community, we’d love to have you.

Become a Contributor To Hidden In God

Are you passionate about helping people get to the next level of their life and and relationship with Christ? Do you love researching and writing about the things of God? Join our contributor community to receive regular assignments and pitch us your ideas to be published on Hidden In God.

Don’t want to write as a contributing author but you have an article or message in you that you’d like to share?


If so this is the may be the way to go. Submit your writing to and let your voice be heard.

We prefer to publish pieces that haven’t been published anywhere else, including personal or professional blogs, with the exception that the original piece be modified to fit our audience well.