A Prayer of Deployment

A Prayer of Deployment

Father God, we thank you for making us quick-witted; giving us the ability to adapt to our current situation. We know while here, we are to abandon and to unload life’s chaos. We give you full control to reign over every part of our lives. Leaving nothing lacking.


You promised to visit your Word. So, we saturate our lives with your Word, to do our reasonable service. Knowing that everything is a choice; we choose you. We choose to run the race before us with patience. Because we know the traps that has been set, for our destruction, will prepare us for the work of the Kingdom.


Lord, we pray for your affirmation over our lives, because you are our Way-Maker. Anoint us to be steadfast, even while in the pit, of our lives. Fore, we know you are with us even unto the end of our journey. Teach us O’ Lord to visit heaven’s equipment dispensary, to load up on, that which we will need for the journey up ahead. Things like, wisdom; joy; hope; grace; peace; love; strength. We thank you, Jesus, for your gift; you paid our bill at your resurrection.


Father God, we can never repay you, but it is our joy to allow you, to use us, to further the work of the Kingdom. By going out to the highways and bi-ways to compel men, women, boys, and girls that Jesus our Father, Lord, Savior and Redeemer, lives in us. Yes, we declare that we are your righteousness and we are sealed unto the day of redemption. No devil shall pluck us out of your hand.


Though troubles and trails are striking from every side, we know we are not alone. Jesus, thank you for being our heavy load barer, our heart fixer, our mind regulator, the great I AM, our El’ Roi the God who shall deliver recompense on the behalf of your children. Thank you, Jesus, we declare, we need you and we can’t do this thing without you.


In your Mighty and Powerful Name, Amen, Amen, and Amen.

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