Not Soon Hence

Not Soon Hence

Jesus the bridegroom shall appear and you must be ready (Matt. 25:10). The bridegroom is the one who sacrificed His life to be the pillar in your life. The same one who tend to be treated in an ill matter (Matt. 16:24).  A form of crash dummy; to be misused and abused. Every time we live in disobedience, we are treated our Lord and savior as a crash dummy.

Hunger and Thirst (Matt. 5:6).

We are valuable; only those who are ready shall raise and go in with the bridegroom (Jesus). You must listen for the clarion call (Eph. 2:10), then you must reply, “here I stand awaiting instruction” (Isa. 6:8). In that, Jesus gives us a purposeful place, in the fight. The grounded and faithful shall receive their bounty, in their due season. A time to unload life’s chaos on the one, only El Roi (Gen. 16:13). A God who sees and hears the needs of His children, shall deliver recompense.

Counted as Faithful

I implore you to be of good courage (Eph. 6:10) and be charged to hang on in there (2 Tim 2:3). Ye shall be counted as faithful. Faithful to the cause of ‘Kingdom Building’.  I say rejoice, you will no longer be the prey for those who spitefully hurt you, on a regular basis with a sad excuse for an apology (Matt. 5:44).

Life and death are in the power of the tongue (Prov. 18:21).

Know who you belong to and what’s within your power (Hosea 2:3). In that, life and death are in the power of the tongue (Prov. 18:21). Let nothing separate you from your redeemer: Jesus, the bridegroom (Rom. 8:35).  Be careful with whom we connect with: It is said, ‘he to whom you yield your members (body) to is your master (father). You must choose God or man; you can’t have both

Finishing the course

If you never enter the race, you will never be triumphant. Winning is finishing the course, not being the first to cross the finish line. Pace yourself along your journey, focus is key, to finishing your race. Encouragement is here; if you keep your focus on the prize: Jesus/Heaven, you will succeed (Philip. 3:14). As you grow in to this knowledge, ‘if He brought you this far, He will never leave you (Ps. 37:28).’

Jesus speaks comfort through His Word (Ps. 23:4). He will never leave you or forsake you (Duet. 31:8). You can stand on His word. Keep fighting soldier. Due season does not come to just any one; due is what is owed. If you never put a seed in the ground, harvest shall never come (John 12:24). Even putting it in the ground is not a guarantee. A seed needs tending and must have constant nourishment. As it grows it needs pruning and shearing (John 15:4).

Jesus is perfect in every way

We are not meant to carry the weight of self or the weights of others (Heb. 12:1). The weight of the world is/was upon Jesus’ shoulders. The one who has big enough shoulders to carry the load (Isa. 53:5). If you keep your mind on Jesus, you will have perfect peace (Isa 26:3). Perfect peace, is confident in any season. Perfect peace prepares one to pluck-up, tear down and prune; people, bad habits and behaviors, from your life to enable you to soar (Eccles. 4:1-8).

Our job unto others is to give the invitation (Rom. 10:9), which is access to the only one who can bear the load.  He (Jesus) stands at the door of your heart, knocking, urging you to open up, to allow Him free course to make you free (Rev. 3:20). If you only give part of you; He wants none of you. He will not give His glory to none (Isa. 42:8). He alone bared the cross, paid the ransom of ratchet souls without repentance (1 Peter 2:24).

Hunger and Thirst (Matt. 5:6).

Repentance comes at the point of conversion (Acts 20:21), it’s a sign of brokenness. Brokenness should be viewed as strength (2 Cor. 12:9).  It exemplifies the fact you realize you need help and can’t do it on your own. It is a new type of hunger and thirst (Matt. 5:6). It is a new vantage point; the clearer you see the cross the less likely you will give place to the enemy (Ps. 119:11).

The enemy shall not succeed. You will reap your harvest, if you faint not (1Cor. 15:58).

Continual Blessings,

Evangelist Denise Lewis

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