I find myself longing for moments during the nights and days that I can spend intimate time alone with God. It’s during those times that I can relax, be completely free, and unload the plethora of things that consume me good or bad. I can tell my best friend every feeling, emotion, thought, secret and doubt and every fear I have encountered. The more I seek Christ the more of Him I find myself wanting. I’m feeling like an addict in search of a drug. But Jesus is better than any drug. He is the breath that I breathe, the bread of life that sustains me, and the one who keeps my heart from failing. He is my addiction of choice.
It is true that when you commit your ways to the Lord, He begins to change you. And being in His presence cause me to desire more and more of Him and less of myself. There is nothing like the presence of God. The peace that washes over and melts away the stresses and troubles that He said we would have. This revelation I’m experiencing right now in my walk with Jesus is somewhat indescribable. I feel such a joy down on the inside just to know that my heart, mind and soul loves Jesus more than ever before.
Psalms 42:1-2 (AMP) says, “As the deer pants [longingly] for the water brooks,
So my soul pants [longingly] for You, O God.
2 My soul (my life, my inner self) thirsts for God, for the living God.
When will I come and see the face of God?“.
So does my heart long for those moments alone with God. Not just in the times of trials or trouble but even more so when joy and gladness or my portion. Now that I’m married again, time spent in prayer with my husband is new and great. We can share as one with God but it still doesn’t compare to just God and myself. I’ve created a space in my home, since it is small, my space is a little corner nook in my home. My prayer corner. I was so excited to put this space together so that I could have a place where I could sit with Jesus and fellowship with Him. It’s a small space but it has a big anointing. Why because I asked God for a place to be with Him.
Prayer: Lord thank You for being ever present that we may come and sit to fellowship with You. Thank you that in those quiet times alone with You we can pour out to You all that we are, are not, and how we feel and can seek You for your wisdom, guidance, friendship, and intimacy. You are the provider of all things. As we look to you, in You we find hope and strength for this journey we are on. You know our beginning and our end, so You know before we can ever come to You all that we are in need of emotionally, spiritually, ad physically, there is nothing we can hide or keep from You. Thank You that every answer we need for every question we could ever ask can be found in You. In Jesus name. Amen.
Originally posted on April 26, 2017 @ 10:31 AM
Woman of God on a mission to spread love most of all, kindness and the truth about the Savior. I thank Him daily for saving and keeping me, bringing me into the knowledge of Him and steadily making intercession for me on behalf of the Father. Every lesson that I give goes to me first. I speak not as though I am different but that I am the same as any other follower of Christ, seeking wisdom and understanding from God and depending on Him fully to provide everything that I need in this life.